This is Naburn Parish Council’s official website, which is intended to keep residents of Naburn up to date with the activities of the Parish Council, including statutory information.

Although this site is not intended to provide a daily news service of village activities, it will endeavour to update villagers with urgent information when there is a serious threat of flooding or any other emergency, together with changes to public services such as buses.

The Parish Council site has a discrete formal role that complements other sources of local information such as the community's Naburn Village Website and the Naburn Facebook Group, which are run independently by residents.

The Parish Council is the first tier of local government, working with the City of York Council and representing the interests of Parish residents.

All our councillors are volunteers and the Parish Council is non-political. Its mission statement is to improve village life by:-

  • Providing excellent facilities
  • Maintaining the village in good order
  • Creating a sense of pride and community

The dates of our meetings in the reading Room are posted around the village and on the Meetings Page of this website and members of the public are very welcome to attend. (Meetings are cancelled until further notice during the Coronavirus Lockdown)

If you wish to contact the Parish Council on any matter please get in touch with the Clerk to Parish Council,

 Please note Naburn Parish Council are working during the Coronavirus crisis but reporting decisions made electronically on the meeting page of the website.  Main message to all STAY SAFE.