Naburn Flood Alleviation Scheme

Naburn Flood Alleviation Scheme - Summary of Environment Agency Event December 2020 and Other Useful Documents

Flood Protection News

EA - Reducing the Impact of Flooding in Naburn 

EA - Naburn: A Summary of the Public Meeting

EA - Property Flood Resilience & FAQs 

York Flood Plan Annual Flood Action Campaign

From the York Flood Plan Team 

Subject: Our annual Flood Action Campaign: please help us spread the word!


As an organisation that’s previously expressed an interest in our work to reduce flood risk and help people prepare for flooding we are hoping to count on your support with our flood action campaign (‘Prepare. Act. Survive.’) which runs from October through to March. Last year over 130 partners joined the campaign.

This year we’re targeting people who live in areas at high risk of flooding, but have not yet experienced flooding to their home. We want to reach these people in any year, but as you can imagine, coronavirus restrictions will exacerbate the challenge of recovery from flooding this winter so it is more important than ever. We will be encouraging them to use and download our ‘Prepare. Act. Survive.’ flood plan to help reduce these risks. Taking steps to prepare and knowing what to do in a flood can significantly reduce the damages to a home and possessions, reduce risk to life and reduce the likelihood of suffering from mental health impacts in the future.

Share the message

We’ve updated the content in our campaign drop box (please note we’ve changed the link since last year) and are working to add new content over the next few weeks as the months progress – we’ll let you know when new items are added. We’d be grateful if you could use and share our content on your channels and with your members of staff or customers. Please help us by:

  • posting our flood action campaign content on your social media channels
  • following @EnvAgencyYNE on Twitter and Instagram and share our content
  • publishing information on your website
  • using our campaign email signature
  • encouraging your colleagues and partners to support the campaign

A date for your diary: Flood Action Week will be happening from 9 to 15 November. This year we want to make sure our messages reach as many people as possible – it’s such an important message and we want people to keep safe especially during such difficult times. We’ll update you further on activity nearer the time but please use the drop box to start using the campaign content as we get closer to November. It would be helpful if you could let us know how and where you’ve used the campaign content. This helps us to understand what’s worked well this year so we can build on it for future campaigns.

If you have any questions or need any further information please do get in touch.

Thank you for your support.

The York Flood Plan Team

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FloodingFlooding is the main risk to the village of Naburn due to its proximity to the River Ouse. The village suffered from severe flooding in 2000, 2012 and 2015. Mild flooding – water covering the B1222 at Howden Dyke, but not affecting property – occurs on a more frequent basis. Whilst the Emergency Plan has been created with flooding as the predominant threat, the same protocols will apply in the unlikely event of a non-flooding emergency.

The Parish Council Emergency Pack for Residents has been prepared by the Parish Council to assist residents in the event of a major emergency–the most likely of which is a serious flood.

Reading Room

The Parish Council has nominated a number of its Councillors to form an Emergency Team to act as a key point of contact in such an emergency. Please be aware that the Parish Council is a non-political committee, made up of local residents who are all volunteers. The Emergency team will do all they can to help but they have limited powers. They must not be assumed to be official emergency responders and it is possible that some or even all of them may not be in the village at the time of an emergency. In the unlikely event that none of them is available, other members of the Parish Council will endeavour to do what they can to help.

The Emergency Team plans to be a source of helpful information for residents and a link to Silver Command, the group normally based at Fulford Road Police HQ, which is in operational charge of an emergency within York and/or its outlying villages. Silver Command consists of bodies such as the Police, City of York Council and the Environment Agency.

The Reading Room/Post Office in Front Street will serve as an Emergency Contact Point; it doesn't flood and is accessible during periods of flooding. The Village Hall, in Vicarage Lane, will also be used if a large number of people have to be housed.

Naburn Flood Action Group

After the 2012 floods in the York area, and a subsequent Public Meeting of Naburn residents in the Village Hall, the Naburn Flood Action Group was formed. It comprises members of the Council and residents with an expressed interest or relevant expertise and acts as a sub-committee of the Parish Council. It reports to the full Parish Council and any outcomes are reflected in the minutes of the Council. Its mission is to improve flood protection for the whole village.
Flooding leaflet
Since the December 2015 floods and the consequent Government's major financial investment for flood alleviation, Naburn has been included in the project to better protect the wider York area, the York 5-year Flood Plan. The Environment Agency is presently undertaking preliminary design phases.